Friday, August 3

Work at Home: Friday Meetings

Confession: I just found the best blog @ Seattle P-I: Vivacious Blueprint, perfect for shop at home fashionistas!!! Try "this" she encourages in "purse lust," disclosing many tempting options for replacing her well worn but practical black bag.

Kathleen, I'm not only trying, I'm buying! It's perfect as a hip n' happening diaper bag for my friend Madeleine's baby shower in a few weeks.

Next week: My other job as a theatrical wardrobe union member and costume designer for a national PBS children's show airing in major markets 2008.

Confession: I write grants and find grant money available for non profits. Today I'm scheduled to present sources of funding for two projects; a local church, and a preschool. The church needs capitol for a renovation which includes a much needed elevator, and the preschool is interested in a "Thrive to Five" grant to augment their early literacy and school readiness program for children 2 to 4 years of age.

The research for grant money is the most fun, like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! But as usual, I'm strapped for time. . . . The meeting is just minutes away, and the grant application deadlines loom at the end of the month.

Ella's in the stroller, diaper bag packed. With car keys in hand, I invite you to write back with your WAH! experiences and recommendations of a good "time management" book?

Next week: My other job as a theatrical wardrobe union member and costume designer for a national PBS children's show airing in major markets 2008.

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